My family spent the weekend at The Wilderness at the Smokies. It was interesting to say the least, and I am totally lame for not having uploaded any pictures to post here. My brother and my dad both had a stomach virus through part of the weekend, but the kids all had fun and we rarely have a chance to do something big like this for the kids.
So the resort was about 4 hours from home. And the kids were fairly content in the car so I chose to read. I'm not an avid reader, I mean I love reading short blog posts, but rarely read books. Last year on my favorite blog, Money Saving Mom, Crystal did a book review of 7 An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker. Crystal has been so inspired by the book she has challenged her readers to find 7 things to get rid of each day. So, this weekend the only book I was interested in reading was 7.
I thought I might learn a few ways to save money, a few things we could cut out of our budget and live without, but it was so much more. In so many ways it was like a slap in the face. Conviction is strong in this book, but oh so true. I'm hoping to blog for the next 7 days about the 7 areas of the book. My thoughts, the change we are making as a result, etc, I'm just processing so much right now.
But this wasn't even my favorite part of the book. Hidden inside was an Ethiopian adoption story. Seriously! What are the chances that I pick a book about saving money and reducing excess, and get the bonus of an Ethiopian adoption story?!? It amazes me how God uses such simple little things in our life to affirm that we are going in the right direction. Thank you Lord, we hear you loud and clear!
To add to that affirmation, last week I was in the car with the kids, with the radio on K-LOVE. They are doing a fundraiser so it was full of commercial breaks asking listeners to donate $40 a month. If you donate $40 a month, part of your donation will go to Shoes for Orphan Souls. They went on to talk about how so many orphans don't even have a pair of shoes, and for most that means they can't go to school. Sometimes we think our kids aren't listening, but oh they are. Abby piped up with a loud "WHAT?" That sweet little 5 year old shoe diva, couldn't believe that some kids don't have shoes. God is softening her heart too, preparing her to accept this sweet child he has waiting for us.
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