Friday, May 2, 2014

I Could Never Do That...

So often when we tell people about our adoption, we hear the words "I could NEVER do that..."

"I could NEVER adopt"

"I could NEVER get on a plane and fly across the ocean"

"I could NEVER go to Ethiopia"

"I could NEVER do that...."

For those of you think you could "NEVER do that" or wonder what kind of crazy mess my family has gotten into, here is a brief look at WHY we are able to do THIS

Imagine one of your children is lost in a far away land....don't imagine a child you have never met, imagine the child you hold in your arms each day (for me it's Abby or Ashton)...she is hungry and scared....and she needs YOU to come to her.  You are scared of flying, scared of the unknown of this faraway land, but your child is waiting for you...she is lost and crying out for Mom and Dad to come to her.  Would you hesitate to get on a plane and go to your child?  NO!  You would make a mad rush to the airport and plead with the lady at the ticket line to get you there NOW.  There would be no time to think about the fear that would normally consume you.

It's exactly like that....but instead of imagining Abby or Ashton lost in this faraway land, there is a beautiful child that God has chosen for us, who is hungry and scared, and waiting for Mom and Dad.... 
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in" 
 ~Matthew 25:35

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