Monday, June 22, 2015

Our Journey

In January 2013 we felt the call to adopt.  The timing was crazy, we had a 15 month old and a 4 year old.  We had debt we wanted to pay off before expanding our family, but there was a small voice in my head that kept saying "What are you waiting for?".  And so our journey began with Lifeline Children's Services.

We were required to choose a country where we wanted to adopt.  This was probably the hardest part.  We tried to choose a country with the greatest need, but when you are looking at over 153 million orphans worldwide, how do you decide who has the greatest need?  We finally settled on Ethiopia because of the extreme poverty.

After about a year of paperwork, home studies, and adoption training, we hit a road block.  Ethiopia had temporarily shut down international adoptions when a new Prime Minister was appointed who wanted to make changes to the program.  We began to feel a bit uneasy but felt that we must be committed to Ethiopia.  By summer of 2014, Ethiopia had made dramatic changes to their program and the average wait time to adopt a child was 5+ years.  We no longer felt we could commit to this program.  Ethiopia is not a Hague country and the new Prime Minister wasn't favorable of International Adoption.  New programs have been started in Ethiopia for foster care, matching widows and orphans to create families in their community.

We still felt the call to adopt but my (Amber's) heart was hardened toward International Adoption.  So we started Foster Care training classes in hopes to foster-to-adopt.  In August 2014 we attended our last training class and our oldest daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  This meant a huge, stressful lifestyle change for our family, especially our kids.  We could no longer eat whatever we wanted but spent hours researching and reading labels.  As parents we knew that this was not the right time to bring a foster child into our home.  We needed to focus on our daughter and her health.  At this point adoption was on the back burner.  It still dwelt in our hearts but it was something we would pursue down the road, maybe in a few years.

In November 2014 Lifeline posted on their Facebook page about 9 month old twin boys in Poland who were about to be separated if they were not adopted together soon.  We had previously considered adopting a sibling group so we contacted the case worker about the twins.  We were told that several families had already asked about the boys so we shouldn't get our hopes up.  After consulting with our pediatrician we continued to pursue the boys.  But we had to renew our home study and tons of new paperwork to switch from Ethiopia to Poland.  Along the way we continued to be told that if another family was further in the adoption process they may get the boys instead of us.  But no one else pursued the boys.  God was clearly at work here!  We completed our Dossier and were officially matched with the boys in the spring of 2015.

It has been a long, bumpy road but we can see God at work in our family and our adoption.  While we still pray for and love the children of Ethiopia, we know that we would not have opened our eyes to these sweet boys if we had not faced the road blocks with Ethiopia.  We are thankful for a God who has gone before us, who knows the beginning and the end!  We are thankful for a God who provides! When we were matched with the boys, our savings account was empty.  When we had placed adoption on the back burner, we donated all of our adoption savings.  We knew this money was God's money, not our own, so we didn't feel it was right to keep it in savings if we were not currently pursuing adoption.  We had no idea what He had in store for us!  Over the last 6 months God has provided in the way that only He can.  We have made each adoption payment in perfect timing.  We have been blessed with an amazing church family that has walked along side us and supported us with everything from prayer to fundraising.  And we have received donations from complete strangers who felt God's call to help bring our boys home!  If you are thinking about adopting but don't think you have the money, remember that God provides!!

Currently we are waiting for our travel date.  We ask that you join us in praying for the boys and for our travel.  The boys are now 15 months old.  One of the boys has been in the hospital with several health issues.  Please pray for their health and pray that God may allow us to travel soon!  Please pray for the judge in Poland, that the Judge's heart may be softened toward our boys and our family, that we may have a short stay in Poland.  Please pray for our family, especially our daughters as we grow from a family of 4 to a family of 6.  Please pray that God may prepare their hearts to welcome 2 siblings!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

By Faith Alone: Special Needs Adoption

Last summer we faced many struggles with our adoption.  The Ethiopia program had come to a halt for us with a 5+ year wait time. And we didn't feel that our family was suited for foster care.  I was ready to give up on adoption.  In fact, when people asked I told them we would probably revisit the idea of adoption in a few years.  But God was still stirring in my heart.

I began to feel pulled towards special needs adoption.  In the world of adoption, special needs can carry many definitions, often times referring to healthy kids who might be older, or part of a sibling group.  It can also be used to describe minor correctible issues, like eczema!  But I felt pulled towards a true special need.  I began praying about what God might have in store for us.  Surely we could handle a child with down syndrome or something of that sort.

In November we requested the files for twin boys who were about to be separated.  Apparently one child seemed more "adoptable" than his twin.  We read and researched, and talked to medical practitioners, and came to the conclusion that while both boys have developmental delays, one of them is very likely to have Cerebral Palsy (CP).

And we said YES!

Yes we want BOTH boys.  Our future holds lots of uncertainties.  CP has such a broad spectrum and the boys are so young that we just don't know how severe it might be.  We know we have lots of appointments and therapies ahead of us.  All of the rest we place in God's hands and put our faith in Him!

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Great Composer

In 2013 my brother's wife Cathi was pregnant with twin girls.  She had some complications in her pregnancy which left her on bed rest in the hospital during the last several weeks before their birth.  It was a stressful time for them, as well as the rest of the family.  I prayed A LOT for the babies and Cathi.  

You may have heard of sympathy pains before.  Sometimes it's experienced by men when their wives are pregnant or giving birth.  Throughout Cathi's pregnancy I had a recurring dream that I was pregnant with twins....and they were boys.  At the time I assumed this was because I had been worrying so much about Cathi and my nieces.  This worry must have been weighing on my subconscious.  The dreams came regularly, and they were always the same.  I was always pregnant with twin boys.  In fact, I was convinced that my sweet little nieces were actually going to be boys!  

While Cathi spent weeks in the hospital, the rest of the family tried to guess her delivery date.  One night in particular, I had my same recurring dream, twin boys again, and they were born in February.  I recall telling Cathi about this dream, trying to relate it to her pregnancy, and Cathi telling me there was no way she was going to wait that long!  Her babies were due late December/early January.  Of course I must have dreamed about babies in February because my sweet Abby's birthday is in February.

On December 26, 2013 my nieces were born and sometime thereafter my recurring dream finally stopped.  But I awoke this morning thinking about that dream.  And at 6:30am I was tempted to text Cathi to see if she remembered, but I thought that was a bit too early for a "Hey you remember that crazy dream I used to have" kinda text.

At this point you are probably wondering what any of this has to do with anything.  Well, in 2013, our babies, the TWIN BOYS we are adopting were growing in their mother's womb.  And their birthday, is in FEBRUARY!  While I was dreaming about giving birth to twin boys, halfway across the world they were about to be born, in Poland.  God is such an amazing composer, writing every detail into our lives!  

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord.[a]
Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
    praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
    praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with timbrel and dancing,
    praise him with the strings and pipe,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
    praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Got Books?

Got Books?

Our used book fundraiser is well under way!  We have received donations from several families and have raised $202 from used books so far!!!  We are still accepting books to help us reach our January goal.  

Got Cookies?

White's Auction hosted our first baked goods raffle Friday night.  We successfully raised $106 from the raffle.  They will continue to host a raffle for us every week!  We are in need of baked good donations.  Sign up at we are in need of baked goods every Thursday to be raffled on Friday.  Free on Friday night?  Visit White's Auction :)